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StyleCraft Blog

The Live Up Difference: Heating & Cooling

August 19, 2016

This is the first in a new series of blogs exploring StyleCraft Homes’ Live Up features, which make it easier to work, play, rest and connect in our homes and communities.

It’s almost a cliché to call purchasing a home an investment.

Everyone hopes, that by selecting the right location and with a little help from the market, their home will accrue greater value than the purchase price.

But StyleCraft homeowners don’t need to hope. And they certainly don’t need to sweat it out. That’s because of our Live Up features, subtle details that separate and elevate our homes from ordinary new construction homes. These are features that make it easier to work, play, rest and connect. Our Live Up features can even put money back in your pocket, as is the case with our unique approach to heating and cooling our StyleCraft homes.

Here is how we help our residents Live Up when it comes to HVAC installation and insulation:

A higher degree of excellence

Your typical home builder will build a home. And then figure out where to put the HVAC and duct line. But the placement of such critical equipment shouldn’t be an afterthought. That’s why we determine exactly where your HVAC and duct line will live before we design the rest of the floor plan. Here is another refreshing note: we’re unique among home builders in that we always aim to place this equipment in the conditioned space within your home, not stuck up in the attic. This setup poses several efficiencies. For example, there will be less of a difference in temperature among your home’s floors and rooms. Also, your monthly energy bills should be noticeably reduced — 15 percent savings aren’t uncommon. The other major savings happen up front. By placing the HVAC and duct line in conditioned space, you’ll be able to use one system for covering up to 3,000 square feet — as opposed to purchasing, maintaining and fitting in multiple units. (Don’t forget; when it comes time to replace your equipment, this means you’re only purchasing one unit.) All of this adds up to increased longevity for your heating and cooling system — and cleaner, healthier air for your family.

Keeping your cool (and warmth)

Not only are we optimizing the way in which we heat and cool your new StyleCraft home, but we’re also improving the way in which we keep the conditioned air in, and the outside air out of your home. Wherever possible, we use what’s called a “Class 1” installation with blown-in insulation throughout our homes (instead of the more typical batt insulation). That’s about the best you can get. This means that the insulation is packed in, not compressed, which increases air filtration and promotes an overall cleaner system.

When you’re weighing home builders, you should dig in on the details. Ask what a builder is doing that no one else is doing. And think beyond that free morning room or design studio incentive; think about all the small touches that make big impacts throughout your home and lifestyle. Live Up in a home that’s more comfortable, healthy and delivers a higher ROI.

Come visit one of our decorated models for yourself to see our approach to heating and cooling – and all our Live Up features – in person. And check back soon to learn more ways our homes Live Up thanks to The StyleCraft Difference.