There are some spaces for which more is always better. More bathrooms — check! Plenty of storage space in the kitchen — absolutely. And now you can add Dual Owner’s Suites to the list. Because whether you simply have different sleep patterns than your partner or want to be the host with the most, there are a number of reasons why Dual Owner’s Suites are becoming more popular, as well as a much more frequent features of StyleCraft homes.Here is the full breakdown of how and why Dual Owner’s Suites Live Up and can awaken fresh possibilities within your new home.What Is a Dual Owner’s Suite?Ah, great question! A Dual Owner’s Suite is simply a structural option that allows homebuyers to double the number of Owner’s Suites in their home. Just think: two bedrooms, two walk-in-closets, two bathrooms — all sized the same and ideally located within the home, so deciding who gets which should be a drama-free decision.Basically, the second Owner’s Suite replaces and upgrades a standard, secondary bedroom. It’s a simple concept with all kinds of appeal, and the further you dig into the possibilities of having Dual Owner’s Suites, the more it just makes sense whether you’re looking for the right home as a first-time homebuyer or seeking out 55+ communities with all the right features and amenities.Sleep On ItYou like to fall asleep with the TV still blaring “NCIS” reruns. They like silence and pitch-black lighting. You enjoy midnight snacks in bed and letting the dog snuggle up with you. They like… none of that.Dual Owner’s Suites address a frequently ignored, long-standing issue: not all people sleep the same. (In fact, the Dual Owner’s Suite has sparked the nickname, “Snore & More Room.”) And when partners have widely divergent sleeping habits, it can create stress (and tough mornings) that are easily remedied by having two equally spacious and full-featured Owner’s Suites.So, let one Owner’s Suite be a movie theater, dog park, and late-night drive-thru. And let the other simply be a cave. With Dual Owner’s Suites, your dream for better sleep (and better vibes) can come true every night.Flex Your OptionsWe’ve been talking about a Dual Owner’s Suite as if both bedrooms needed to be, well, bedrooms. But the truth is that you can stage and use these ideally located, spacious rooms for just about anything you can dream up. Maybe one of the Owner’s Suites is just what you need to upgrade your home office. Or perhaps instead of having every room be the kiddos’ playroom, you’d like to consolidate to a single sweet space. There are no rules or guidelines when it comes to how you customize your Dual Owner’s Suites — they may even live dual lives: media room in the day and cozy retreat come nightfall.Flexible Living Arrangements for Family & FriendsSometimes, friends need a place to lay their head for more than a night or two. Or your kid coming home from college needs a launch pad for their next adventure. And, of course, multi-generational homes are on the rise. We’ve been building homes and helping homebuyers long enough to know all the different ways people come into your lives — and your homes — to understand the value of the versatility Dual Owner’s Suites bring to real life. You never know what possibilities lay just down the road, but you’ll be much more prepared for them with an extra Owner’s Suite.Make Room for a RoommateMaybe you’re entering a new homebuying experience knowing that you’ll have a roommate to share the bills and the fun. That scenario may not on your radar, but after moving into a home that Lives Up with thoughtfully designed Dual Owner’s Suites, an opportunity may present itself (that could also involve some revenue generation). Here’s the thing about StyleCraft Dual Owner’s Suites — there’s no need to squabble about the bigger room or best location. They both measure up!Ready to divide and conquer your sleeping quarters with Dual Owner’s Suites? Browse through our new construction communities and available floor plans to learn which include this trending option — or contact our team today to learn more about this win-win feature.