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StyleCraft Blog

Top 7 Ways Third-Party Home Inspections Help You Live Up

February 16, 2017

You’ve heard about home inspections. You might have even experienced a home inspection. So what’s the big deal about StyleCraft’s Third-Party Inspections? A lot. Third-Party Inspections are unique among new construction home builders. We began offering them a few years and hundreds of inspections ago — and we haven’t looked back. After reviewing these seven reasons why it’s a smarter move than conducting inspections in-house, we think you’ll see our wisdom.

1. They’re part of our Best-In-Class Protection.

If you ever hear a bump in the night or see a question in an inspection report, you’re in good hands at StyleCraft Homes. You won’t find a better suite of features aimed at giving you total piece of mind than our Best-In-Class Protection. (That’s why we call it “Best” and not just “Very Good Protection.”) From our in-house warranty team to our Third-Party Inspections, we provide a clear path for reconciling any rare issue that might arise with your home.

2. We’re partnering with an expert outsider.

In working with House on a Rock, a top home inspection company, we’re learning all the new examination techniques to inform our own building process. This, in turn, ensures that we build our homes in the most innovative and efficient way to meet and exceed building code requirements. Working with an outside firm as opposed to conducting inspections ourselves also accomplishes another objective. It provides a little cushion between the building and inspection process, giving credence to both parties in the eyes of our homeowners.

3. We’re building value.

There is some serious upside in working with a company that specializes in home inspections. (You’re not ordering General Tso’s Chicken from the pizza joint, right?) Not only do homebuyers receive a high-quality third-party inspection, which can cost between $400 and $1,000, but they possess efficiencies of scale that translate to real cost benefits for homebuyers. So our Third-Party Inspections aren’t just better; they’re more cost-effective, too.

4. We’re nailing every detail.

From the roofing to the foundation, plumbing, electrical, insulation, and interior, our Third-Party Inspections are a thorough examination inside and outside your new home. You’ll receive not just one, but two reports — an initial report and a final report once any needed follow-up work is completed — including detailed photos. And books with pictures are always better, right?

5. Our partner is rock solid.

We already mentioned House on a Rock, our home inspection partner with an eye for detail and a passion for accountability. In addition to being a local, family-owned company — just like StyleCraft Homes — they share many of our core values. What can we say… they rock. (You probably saw that coming…)

6. We have proof positive.

We’ve seen our quality inspection scores steadily rise since beginning the Third-Party Inspection program. And we regularly hear from StyleCraft homeowners how our third-party approach to home inspections drives accountability and quality.

7. The inspections Live Up long afterward.

Homeowners can access their inspection reports online, whenever they choose. If they decide to move on down the road, these reports are a critical resource for showing just how our homes were built with superior craftsmanship, from the big picture to the smallest details.

This may seem like a long list. But there are many more reasons why StyleCraft’s Third-Party Inspections Live Up more than the traditional home inspection — so be on the lookout for more details! In the meantime, contact us at 804.523.HOME to learn more.