StyleCraft Blog
St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway Update: Coming to Life
February 21, 2018
For those of you following along from home on the progress of the St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway house, we’ve made some major headway since our January update.
In short, we’re moving the construction from the outside in. Here is a closer look at how we’re nailing our timeline and getting closer to the fun part: the St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway Raffle! That’s right, one lucky person will soon own the home of their dreams.

We spend a lot of time around homes. A lot. And while, yes, we know that houses are inanimate objects, you can’t ignore the similarities that homes have with living, breathing people like you and me.
Hear us out. If we look at the “dream home” progress metaphorically, it already has its respiratory system completed, so to speak, in the HVAC system, and a digestive system comprising pipes and other plumbing. But it doesn’t end there. The electrical rough-in (nervous system) is also completed, as well as pest control tubes (immune system) and smart home technology (the cerebral cortex).
See, our home really is coming to life!
We’ve been digging, climbing and moving around the St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway house. And our work here is almost done. That’s right, we’ve wrapped up most of the exterior construction and have moved our crew inside. We’re that much closer to completing this special project. Just imagine where we’ll be this time next month…
We’d like to extend a hearty shout-out to the folks driving this progress: our vendors. These generous companies and partners are donating their labor and expertise to make the “Dream Home” a reality. Please join us in thanking them. And please take a moment to see the list of all the passionate vendors participating in this true labor of love.
Before we wrap this update, let’s get you up to speed on the current status of our St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway House with a fun, time-lapse video.
Want to follow along as this home comes to life?